ponedeljek, 6. julij 2009


This days our weather is like tropic one: warm days and extremely high humidity. As close as we can get tropic weather in our heights I assume. And so this is ficus time! It really grow well in this conditions. I planned defoliation for a while and this was the day:

Te dni je vreme na moč podobno tistemu, kar je običajno v tropih - topli dnevi, predvsem pa izjemno visoka zračna vlažnost. Najbrž najbližje tropom, kar lahko izkusimo v naših zemljepisnih širinah. In zato je bil čas, da se lotim fikusa, ki se je v takšnih razmerah razbohotil. Že nekaj časa sem načrtoval razlistenje in podrobno urejanje krošnje.

After a hour of leaf cutting (there was a whole bag of them!) I cut some brunches and sprayed it. Water stopped milk-like soap which flowed out of wounds. And with that I preserved much needed energy. Then I wired a tree in a two or three ours and voila! - there was I new-looking tree:

Po urici rezanja listov, ki jih je bilo za polno vrečo, sem porezal nekaj odvečnih vej in ga poškropil, s čimer sem zaustavil iztekanje mlečka in s tem nepotrebno izgubljanje energije. Sledili sta dve ali tri urice žičenja in voila - tu je drevo v novi podobi.

I am satisfied with left side of the tree, but not with right side. But I'll fix that in the future. Now I'll left the tree alone in peace; high humidity and worm weather will help with quicker growing of new leaves. The crown will be even more dense, because some new brunches will grow from old wood. And after three weeks crown will be full of new fresh-green leaves!
Z levo stranjo sem dokaj zadovoljen, z desno še ne, ampak še nekaj takšnih posegov kot je ta, pa bo. Zdaj bom fikusu privoščil mir, k hitrejši rasti novih listov mi bo pomagalo vlažno in toplo vreme. Krošnja se o še zgostila, saj bo drevo na veliko pognalo tudi iz starega lesa. In čez tri tedne bo krošnja spet polna novih sveže-zelenih listov!

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