četrtek, 16. julij 2009


Yesterday we were biking. Yes, again. She is 40 yrs old (I know that you are not sensitive for that), but she still goes free-riding! Bravo Evelina! (Well, there were just a few good trees ...)

Včeraj sva bila na kolesu. Spet ja. Stara je (saj vem, da nisi občutljiva) 40 let, pa ji frirajd še vedno ni španska vas. Bravo Evelina! (Primernih dreves je bilo v tistem koncu bolj malo ...)

Today it was time for Thuja occidentalis. This spring I couldn't hold it inside the planning boundaries, so it is time for some cutting and wiring. In the cold morning with some good music - after 5 hours of work it looks like new one!

Danes je bil čas za obdelavo kleka. To pomlad ga nisem več uspel obdržati znotraj načrtovanih okvirjev, čas za rezanje in žičenje! Izkoristil sem jutranji hlad, dobro glasbo in čez 5 ur je bil kot nov!

Green mass is still ruffled, but in three week time, when lives will turn towards light and new buds will starting to grow the picture will be a lot better! (Ficus I defoliated the other time is already growing well.)
Zdaj je njegovo zelenje še nekoliko skuštrano, toda čez tri tedne, ko se bo vse obrnilo proti svetlobi in bodo zagnali novi brsti, bo slika še veliko boljša! (Fikus, ki sem ga prejšnjič razlistil, že veselo poganja.)

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