četrtek, 8. oktober 2009


Something magic is in the mist; landscape is changing from one moment to another, the light is unreal and so are feelings. If you are at the right place of course. And today we were at the right place. Up there the autumn is already in full glory ...

Nekaj čarobnega je v meglicah, ki iz trenutka v trenutek spreminjajo pokrajino, svetlobo in vzdušje. Če si seveda na pravem kraju. In mi smo danes bili. Tam zgoraj je jesen že krepko zavihala rokave ...

Janez was also fascinated by mist ...
Tudi Janeza so meglice očarale ...

This time we were hunting juniperus. We all know how difficult the common juniperus is for growing in pot. It is almost unpossible to dig it out and keep it alive. But there are some sub-species of common juniper which are more suitable for bonsai. Like Juniperus communis Alpina. And we did find some extraordinary ones. But we saved the best for some other time - this is still the experiment.

Tokrat smo bili v lovu za brini. Vsi vemo, kako nehvaležni so navadni brini v posodah. Praktično nemogoče jih je presaditi iz narave in obdržati pri življenju. Toda obstajajo podvrste navadnega brina, ki so bolj pripravne. Navadni brin - alpska podvrsta recimo. In odkrili smo nekaj izjemnih primerkov. A ker gre bolj za poskus z novo vrsto, smo najboljše prihranili za prihodnjič.

I left this close to 200 yrs old friend for another time ...
Tega, več kot 200 let starega prijatelja, sem prihranil za kdaj drugič ...

In the shadow of mighty Triglav
V senci mogočnega Triglava

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