petek, 12. marec 2010


Maybe my appearance in Good morning show on national TV fulfilled its goal: to promote our international exhibition in congress center Mons. 8 minutes of program is way too short for good conversation about bonsai. But I knew that before! Of course, when you are at the opposite side of the microphone the things are different. If I am a host 8 minutes are a lot of time ...

Morda je gostovanje v oddaji Dobro jutro na TVS le doseglo svoj namen: reklamiranje majske razstave v Monsu. 8 minut pogovora je veliko premalo, da bi o bonsaju povedal kaj pametnega. Kot, da tega ne bi že prej vedel! A ko si na drugi strani mikrofona, je vedno zelo drugače. V vlogi voditelja se mi 8 minut zdi zelo veliko ...

But the company was nice! Unfortunately I was forced to bring the one and only indoor bonsai I have to the studio - ficus. The morning temperatures are very low and my trees are still frozen. I didn't want to weak them up just for the show - the risk was too high. I don't have a room, where my trees would be protected from the cold.

Ampak, družba je bila prijetna! Žal sem v studio moral prinesti ednini sobni bonsaj, ki ga premorem - fikus. Jutranje temperature so pač prenizke in vsa moja drevesa so še lepo zamrznjena. Da bi jih prebujal zgolj zaradi oddaje - se mi ni zdelo vredno tveganja; prehud šok. Prostora, kjer bi jih lahko počasi navajal na višje temperature, pa nimam.

See you in the evening at the meeting of organizing committee of international exhibition!

Gremo naprej, zvečer se vidimo na sestanku organizacijskega odbora za razstavo!

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