četrtek, 11. marec 2010


The new season is finally here. Winter is still showing her teeth, but sooner or later she will be over. Meanwhile the Tora school is working with full steam and students are coming: yesterday we shaped and repoted some trees. We'll continue in Sunday.

Nova sezona je končno tu. Zima sicer še maha z repom a tudi tega mahanja bo prej ali slej konec. Med tem pa je v polnem teku šola, v Tori se vrstijo učenci: včeraj smo presajali in oblikovali, nadaljujemo v nedeljo.

Most of all I am working on preparation for 4th International bonsai exhibition which will take place at the beginning of May in congress center Mons in Ljubljana. My latest achievement is official flayer design. But already tomorrow morning I'll promote our exhibition and bonsaism in morning program at national TV!

Predvsem pa imam v zadnjem času ogromno dela s pripravami na 4. Mednarodno razstavo, ki bo v začetku maja v Monsu. Zadnji dosežek je oblikovanje uradnega plakata; že jutri pa bom razstavo in bonsajizem promoviral tudi v jutranjem programu na TVS!

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