četrtek, 24. junij 2010


Mark Noelanders representing, by my opinion, top of European bonsaism. He is excellent demonstrator who knows how to pass his knowledge to the audience. He speaks many languages (well, Slovenian is not the one yet) and he mastered all bonsai techniques. On demonstrations which last only few hours he is not afraid working on trees which normally demands at least three days of work. One can just admire the speed of his wiring. But his wiring is not only fast but also technically right. When you are looking at his work you can rarely see some broken needles. "I practice wiring at least couple of hours a day. Every day," is the answer of Marc Noelanders. Even this time he created a masterpiece out of ugly Picea (some could say that it is close to 1000 yrs old ;-) )!

Mark Noelanders je za moj okus špica evropskega bonsajizma. Izjemen demonstrator, ki svoje znanje zna deliti z gledalci. Poliglot (no slovensko še ne zna), njegova tehnika pa dosega nivo mojstrstva. Na demonstracijah, ki trajajo nekaj ur, se ne ustraši drevesa, ki bi običajno zahtevalo vsaj tri dni dela. Hitrosti njegovega žičenja se človek lahko samo čudi. A žičenje ni samo hitro, je tudi tehnično popolnoma pravilno in ko si njegovo delo ogledaš od blizu le redko opaziš kakšno povoženo iglico. "Žičenje vadim vsaj nekaj ur na dan. Vsak dan," je odgovor Marca Noelandersa. Tudi tokrat je iz neugledne smreke (nekateri bi rekli, da je stara blizu 1000 let ;-) ) ustvaril vrhunski bonsaj!

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