četrtek, 8. september 2011


Bonsai-story of this shohin Juniper started in May 2006 in Klagenfurt, Austria. There was a New Talent Contest or something similar. I returned home with new little tree.

Bonsajska zgodba brina šohin velikosti se je začela maja leta 2005 v Celovcu v Avstriji. Bilo je tekmovanje novih talentov ali nekaj takega. Domov sem se vrnil z novim dreveščkom.

May 2006 - before

May 2006 - after

Six years later we are still fighting together. It is potted into its second bonsai-pot and it is slowly developing. It is a problem, because for the moment I couldn't get him enough of sun, but this will change soon with moving into new atelier. This morning I cleaned it and did a autumn cutting. In between this two interesting photos were taken:

6 let kasneje se še vedno boriva. Presajen je že v svojo drugo bonsajsko posodo in se počasi razvija. Težava je, ker mu trenutno ne morem zagotoviti dovolj sonca, a to se bo z selitvijo v nov atelje kmalu izboljšalo. Dopoldne sem ga očistil, opravil jesensko obrezovanje in pripravo na zimo. Vmes sta nastali zanimivi fotki: 

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