ponedeljek, 3. oktober 2011


Everyone probably expect that I'll write about my experience on EBA New Talent Contest in Ratingen, Germany. OK, I will, even though this was my by far worst bonsai experience in my life. I was 1st runner up, the second in Europe, but this were four hours of pure torture with tree that didn't suit me. I am used to work on material which calls me. I must feel the material and then we could enjoy together in creating something beautiful. Even among the trees at NTC were such materials, but no my number 11.  

Vsi najbrž pričakujete, da bom pisal o svoji izkušnji na tekmovanju novih talentov pod okriljem Evropske bonsajske zveze, ki je bilo ta konec tedna v Ratingenu v Nemčiji. OK, bom, čeprav gre za mojo doslej najslabšo bonsajistično izkušnjo. Osvojil sem drugo mesto v Evropi, a za mano so štiri ure čistega mučenja na drevesu, s katerim se nisva ujela. Navajen sem delati na materijalu, ki me pokliče. Z leti vedno bolj. Morava se začutiti, da potem skupaj uživava v ustvarjanju. Tudi med drevesi na NTC-ju je bilo nekaj takšnih, a ne moje, nesrečna 11-ke.

After few second I realized, that I have bad luck with draw. Stifled bush with curled branches. The only solution was cascade - the style I don't like. Sarcastically - on the competition where I am supposed to do the best work I am forced to work on material which don't suit me and in style which I don't like! I was even thinking to step down before finishing the tree, because I really don't need such a torture.

Že po nekaj sekundah analize mi je bilo jasno, da sem imel pri žrebu veliko smolo. Potlačen grm s prepletenimi vejami je nudil le rešitev v meni neljubo kaskado. Kako sarkastično - na tekmovanju, na katerem naj bi pokazal vse kar znam moram delati na materijalu, ki mi ne ustreza in to v slogu, ki ga nemaram! Niti za trenutek nisem užival, še več, razmišljal sem celo, da bi prizorišče predčasno zapustil, saj takega mučenja res ne potrebujem.

I finished my work by routine, as many trees before. And took second place. If I can take a second place on European contest with such approach, then I must be really good! What could happened If I drew the number 10, upright tree with strong line, on which I could create a masterpiece!? But I get confirmation. Years of hard work are payed out, technique and feelings for shaping are here, the way is right. And this is the most important lecture of this experience, even though my feelings are still bad. And they would be the same even though I would be winning the contest ...

Oddelal sem do konca, na rutino, kot že na stotine dreves doslej. In osvojil dugo mesto. Če lahko s takšnim načinom na evropskem tekmovanju osvojim drugo mesto, potem moram biti res dober. Kaj bi šele bilo, če bi izžrebal številko 10, pokončno drevo z izrazitimi linijami, v katerem bi lahko ustvaril mojstrovino!? Ampak potrditev je tu. Leta trdega dela so se obrestovala, tehnika in občutki za oblikovanje so tu, pot je prava. In to je najpomembnejša lekcija te izkušnje, kljub temu, da so občutki slabi. In bi bili enaki, tudi če bi zmagal ...

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