sreda, 13. junij 2012


I don't have so many opportunities for work on tropical species. But this ficus was already for the second time in my atelier; some three months ago I cut it a little for the first time for one of my customer. Last night we cut it a little more and put wire on it. This tree is grown from cutting and it's owner works on it for at least 15 years. In all this time the tree wasn't wired at all. Of course it will never become a great bonsai. But the owner put the stone in to the roots and he made a concrete pot for it. Is this a bonsai art? Of course. Not in top artistic sense, but nevertheless the owner is happy with it. Now, as he knows how the tree can be changed with wire in a few minutes and it can become even a little tree, he is sorry for all lost time and he regrets why he didn't start to work on a proper material. But he didn't know a different way. The happiness in his eyes after work on a tree tells it all!  

V bistvu nimam velikokrat priložnosti delati na tropski vrsti. Tokrat se je v ateljeju že drugič znašel fikus benajmin, ki sva ga s stranko prvič obrezala že pred kakimi tremi meseci. Sinoči sva ga še malo bolj sfrizirala in ožičila. Dotično drevo je zrastlo iz potaknejnca, gospod se z njim ukvarja že vsaj 15 let in v vsem tem času ga ni niti enkrat ožičil. In seveda iz njega ne bo nikoli nastal vrhunski bonsai. Je pa med korenine vtaknil kamen.  In mu iz betona izdelal posodo. Je to bonsajizem? Gotovo. Ne sicer v tistem vrhunskem umetniškem smislu, vendar pa gospodu vseeno prinaša neizmerno veselje. Zdaj, ko je spoznal, kako lahko z nekaj žicami v hipu postane povsem drugačen, celo malce podoben drevesu, mu je seveda žal, za ves izgubljeni čas, da se ni že prej začel ukvarjati s pravim materijalom. Ampak druge poti niti ni poznal. Zato pa veselje v očeh ob preobrazbi drevesa pove vse.

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