petek, 21. september 2012


Sometimes there is a tree in the garden, which will not get awards. But it is a challenge, how to take the best out of it. I am dealing with this juniper for quite some time. Nebari and the lower part is OK, but then there is a long, fat branch with green mass far away. Last year I split the branch and because juniper didn't complain about it, I continued with the work. First faze is now completed, the silhouette is now visible. In the background there is still a back-up branch, also the wooden wedges which help me to curve the trunk, will remain on the tree for some time. Now searching for the right pot is on.
Včasih se v vrtu najde tudi drevo, ki verjetno nikoli ne bo pobiralo nagrad. A predstavlja izziv, kako iz njega izvleči največ. S tem kitajskim brinom se ukvarjam že nekaj časa. Nebari in spodnji del je OK, potem pa dolga ravna, debela veja z zelenjem še bolj daleč stran. Lani sem debelo vejo razcepil, in ker se brin ni pritoževal, sva letos nadaljevala. Prva faza je končana, obris bodočega drevesa se vidi. V ozadju je še vedno rezervna veja, tudi zagozde, s katerimi sem ukrivil deblo, bodo še kar nekaj časa na drevesu. Zdaj pride na vrsto iskanje posode.

This will be unusual, dramatic tree. Maybe someone will like it ;-)
To bo nenavadno, dramatično drevo. Mogoče pa bo komu le všeč ;-)
I finished my work on the tree at weekly workshop of Tora group. The main subject of yesterday workshop was analysis of Rajko's juniper. We talked about every option and comment how and why. And we learned something new again!
Brin sem dokončal na redni tedenski delavnici skupijne Tora. Včerajšnja glavna tema srečanja je bila analiza Rajkotovega brina. Predebatirali smo vsako možnost, razložili kako in zakaj, in se spet nekaj naučili!

P.S.: Matej, congratulations to the degrees
P.S.: Matej, čestitke za diplomo!

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