sobota, 30. marec 2013


Today Grega came to the atelier. As he described himself - he is a Sunday bonsaist ;-)! At this time one year ago we started to work on Prunus mahaleb that as material was not anything special. Nevertheless Grega still falled in love with it and work began. We decided to make it a tall, slender beauty, in the style of Japanese Mume cherry.
Dopoldne se je v ateljeju oglasil Grega. Kot se je sam označil - nedeljski bonsajist ;-) ! Lani ob tem času sva začela delat na rešeliki, ki kot materijal ni bila nič posebnega. Grega se je kljub temu zaljubil vanjo in delo je steklo. Odločila sva se, da jo oblikujeva v visoko, vitko lepotico, v slogu japonskih češenj vrste mume.
Prunus mahaleb, March 2012 - before

Prunus mahaleb, March 2012 - after first styling
One year later, Grega was back in the studio with the same tree. The tree was growing strong  because Grega didn't trim it and it completely lost its shape. Therefore, we put it in order again.
Leto dni pozneje se je Grega z rešeliko torej spet oglasil v ateljeju. Drevo je močno odgnalo, saj je Grega ni sproti obrezoval in povsem izgubilo obliko. Zato sva rešeliko morala spet spraviti v red.
Finally, we have transplanted the tree into the first pot, the Chinese one, blue glazed, which nicely complements the composition. At right back a branch of depth is still missing, but otherwise the character of the tree is exactly as we wanted. Now Grega will have to pay the atention about maintenance of the tree. Prompt pruning during the growing season, fertilising, watering ...
Na koncu sva jo še presadila v prvo posodo, kitajske izdelave, modro glazirano, ki lepo dopolnjuje kompozicijo. Zadaj desno manjka še kakšna veja za globino, sicer pa je karakter drevesa točno takšen, kot sva ga želela. Zdaj se bo moral Grega posvetiti vzdrževanju drevesa. Sprotnemu obrezovanju v rastni sezoni, gnojenju, zalivanju ...

See you in one year time!
Ob letu osorej pa se spet srečamo!

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