ponedeljek, 30. december 2013


Yesterday was a special day, not only because another year of my life is completed, but also because I spent the day with trees and in company of wonderful people. In Dolina near Murska Sobota a new group of Tora bonsai-school was born, a group for all bonsai-lovers from Prekmurje region.

Roman hosted us, in a beautiful garden he hides some very good trees, they are just a step far from become supreme. In general, I was positively surprised over the quality of material and trees which new students bring to the workshop. All missing just a bit and the they will do a big leap forward in knowledge.
Včeraj je bil poseben dan; ne le zato, ker je še eno leto mojega življenja naokoli, ampak tudi, ker sem dan preživel z drevesi med čudovitimi ljudmi. V Dolini pri Murski Soboti je bila rojena nova skupina bonsajske šole Tora, skupina za vse Prekmurske ljubitelje bonsajev.
Gostil nas je Roman, v lepo urejenem vrtu se skriva nekaj zelo dobrih dreves, ki jim manjka zelo malo, da bi postala vrhunska. Na sploh sem bil prijetno presenečen nad kvaliteto materijala in drevesi, ki so jih novi študentje prinesli na delavnico. Vsem manjka zelo malo in napravili bodo velik preskok v znanju naprej.
Roman was working on a great Juniperus chinensis, we determined the future of the tree. Since it is a really good material, Roman will work on it step by step, slowly and thoughtfully. He will bring the tree up to the first objective in the next three seasons.
Roman je delal na vrhunskem kitajskem brinu, ki smo mu določili prihodnost. Ker gre za res dober materijal, bo Roman na njem delal korak za korakom, počasi in premišljeno. Do prvega cilja bo drevo pripeljal v naslednjih treh sezonah.

Tomaž, who is among the longest-serving bonsaist in the region, worked on the cultivar of red pine. Usual tree from the nursery was also the only one which experienced the full transformation. The skeleton is here, the tree will gain on quality in upcoming years, but it is clear that this will never be an excellent bonsai. Nevertheless - good job!
Tomaž, ki je med bonsajisti z najdaljšim stažem na tem koncu, je delal na kultivarju rdečega bora. Navadno drevo iz drevesnice je bilo tudi edino, ki je doživelo celotno preobrazbo. Okostje je tu; drevo bo z leti veliko pridobilo na kakovosti, jasno pa je, da to nikoli ne bo vrhunski bonsaj. Vseeno - dobro delo!
All students of Tora bonsai school and all readers of the blog I wish you all the best in 2014! I will continue to blog with new projects in the first days of the new year ...
Vsem študentom bonsajske šole Tora in vsem bralcem bloga želim vse najboljše v letu 2014! Z novimi projekti se oglasim že v prvih dneh novega leta ...

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