četrtek, 27. februar 2014


After a two-week break, I'm back in the saddle. And because the peak of the spring season is approaching, there is a lot of work. The members of the Primorska group of Tora bonsai school meet again, this time in Osteria Zogica under Solkanski bridge. We continued several projects, some of which has made a new step forward .
Po dvotedenskem premoru sem spet v sedlu. In ker se bliža vrhunec spomladanske sezone, dela ni malo. S člani Primorske skupine šole Tora smo se tokrat spet srečali v ošteriji Žogica pod Solkanskim mostom in nadaljevali nekaj projektov, nekaj jih je naredilo nov korak naprej.

Bojan has completed the spring work on aragawa maple, which is characterized by coarse bark and tender twigs. An interesting contrast that attracts every eye. The tree is already in mature stage of its development, but has one error - on the right side of the crown it misses a branch, and so there is too much of empty space. Bojan will decide whether to fill this space with bigger crown of smaller tree ( my favorite solution :-) ) or he'll grafted a new branch in a location where is missing.
Bojan je dokončal spomladansko urejanje javorja vrste aragawa, ki ima značilno grobo skorjo in nežne vejice. Zanimiv kontrast, ki pritegne vsak pogled. Drevo je že v zreli fazi svojega razvoja; ima pa eno napako - na desni strani krošnje manjka veja in tam je preveč praznega prostora. Bojan se bo odločil, ali bo ta prazen prostor zapolnil s tem, da bo zvišal manjšo krošnjico (navijam za to rešitev :-) ) ali pa bo na mesto, kjer manjka, cepil novo vejo.

The tree will need a wider pot, but otherwise this is a bonsai with a good potential that already inspires its owner.
Drevo bo potrebovalo tudi širšo posodo, sicer pa je to bonsaj z dobrim potencialom, ki navdušuje že zdaj.
P.S.: We, together with Marko and Aleš, then take advantage of the first warm rays of the sun and we worked outdoors. Great!

P.S.: Z Markotom in Alešem smo potem izkoristili prve toplejše sončne žarke in delali na prostem. Uf je pasalo!

P.P.S.: The next meeting of the Central Group will be held on Tuesday, 4 March. You are welcome !
P.P.S.: Naslednje srečanje centralne skupine bo v TOREK, 4. marca. Vabljeni!

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