nedelja, 2. februar 2014


In recent days, which were marked by snow and ice, I worked on juniper. Virginia juniper (Juniperus virginiana) responds perfectly on bonsai-growing technique, but its needles can never be of such quality as on relative Chinese juniper. The tree is in my collection from autumn 2012, it is from Tomaž's garden. Urban yamadori. The trunk was long and relatively narow, so it was necessary to create a  nice line and put greenery closer to the trunk. In January 2013 we started bending.
V zadnjih dneh, ki jih je zaznamoval sneg in led, sem se ukvarjal z brinom. Virginijski brin (Juniperus virginiana) se na bonsajsko vzgojo odziva odlično; njegove iglice pa nikoli ne bodo take kvalitete, kot jih ima sorodnik kitajski brin. Drevo je v mojo zbirko prišlo jeseni 2012, iz Tomaževega vrta. Urbani jamadori. Deblo je bilo dolgo in relativno ravno, zato je bilo najprej treba ustvariti osnovno linijo in zelenje približati deblu. Januarja 2013 smo se lotili krivljenja.
January 2013, before heavy bending
It is true that man has the idea in his head, but, however, one must follow the tree when heavy bending.  Bending against the fiber, may result in disaster. I was very pleased with the resulting line. I removed the raffia in spring, during summer it remained handcuffed in the wire.
Že res, da ima človek v glavi svojo idejo, a pri močnem krivljenju je vendarle treba slediti drevesu. Krivljenje proti vlaknom, se lahko konča s katastrofo.  Z nastalo linijo sem bil zelo zadovoljen. Spomladi sem odstranil rafijo, čez poletje pa je ostal vklenjen v žico.
Spring 2013
In the autumn 2013 I removed wire, trimmed branches and worked on dead wood. Juniper responded well and the work could continued. I bent jins which follows the rhythm of the tree.
Jeseni 2013 je prišlo na vrsto odstranjevanje žice, krajšanje vej in prva obdelava suhega lesa. Brin se je odzval odlično in delo se je lahko nadaljevalo. Ukrivil sem džine, ki sledijo ritmu drevesa.

Autumn 2013
The tree has a very nice rhythm, progressing towards the top. Tilted to the right and with crown to the left  I've balanced the tree, with the wiring I prepared it for first styling.
Drevo ima zelo lep ritem, ki se stopnjuje proti vrhu. Z nagibom v desno in krošnjo v levo sem ga uravnovesil, z žičenjem pripravil na prvo oblikovanje.

Usually I style the tree in a manner that I wire one branch and I styled It,  and so on from branch to branch. This time I first fully wired tree and then styled it.
Običajno drevo oblikujem tako, da ožičim eno vejo in jo takoj tudi oblikujem. In tako naprej od veje do veje. Tokrat sem najprej v celoti ožičil drevo in se nato lotil oblikovanja.
February 2014 - after wiring, before styling
Here is the result of one year of intensive work on the tree. Dynamic tree that will only gain quality with time. Now comes the work in the crown, maturation, work on dead-wood and bark. And of course - the search for suitable container. Round one. If all goes well, it will be re-potted in to bonsai pot for the first time in the spring 2015, of course, not in the final one.
Tu je rezultat enoletnega intenzivnega dela na drevesu. Dinamično drevo, ki bo z leti samo pridobivalo. Zdaj je na vrsti delo na krošnjo, zorenje, delo na suhem lesu in skorji. In seveda iskanje primerne posode. Okrogle. Če bo vse po sreči bo prvič v bonsajsko posodo presajen spomladi 2015, seveda ne še v končno.

February 2014, after first styling

PS: Meanwhile outside nature played with styling in it's own way. Beautiful sculptures!

P.S: Med tem se je zunaj narava igrala oblikovanje na svoj način. Čudovite skulpture!

PPS: Also this week a meeting of the central group of Tora bonsai school will be in Thursday!

P.P.S.: Tudi ta teden bo srečanje centralne skupine šole Tora v četrtek!

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