nedelja, 29. junij 2014


Tips hardened off, so it is spruce-time! Spruce K did a step forward; crown matured and after a new wiring is already in exhibition-state. But the pot is another story ... They say, that maturity of bonsa is conected with number of wirings, on this spruce a number of wiring has already been done :-) Below is an illustration of path, that spruce K already did from February 2012 till today: 
Vršički so otrdeli, čas je za smreke! Smreka K je napravila še korak naprej; krošnja je dozorela in je po novem žičenju že v razstavni formi. Posoda pa je druga zgodba ... Pravijo, da je dozorelost bonsaja povezana tudi s številom žičenj, ki jih ima le-ta že za sabo; smreka jih ima že kar nekaj :-) Spodaj je ilustracija, kakšno pot je K že prehodila od februarja 2012 do danes: 
Development February 2012 - Jun 2014
I collected this spruce in autumn 2008. After three growing seasons it was ready for first styling in early Spring 2012. It is tipical tree from pasture, has a dense growth and really good nebari and tappering. Firts I cuted some un-needed branches, did a further selection of small branches and chose a front.  
Smreko sem skopal jeseni leta 2008 in po treh rastnih sezonah mirovanja je bila zgodaj spomladi 2012 pripravljena za prvo oblikovanje. Tipično pašniško smreko, ki jo odlikuje gosta rast, zelo dober nebari in zelo dobro ožanje, sem najprej razredčil, napravil selekcijo vej in izbral prednjo stran.
February 2012 - material

February 2012 - after branch selection, front side
And then I dedicated to work that is mostly done on the spruces - wiring. If one hate wiring, then one couldn't deal with spruce. One must know some other tricks too, but wiring is the base. I call Roland for help for first wiring:
In potem je sledilo tisto, česar je na smrekah največ - žičenje. Kdor ne mara žičenja, se s smrekami ne more ukvarjati. Poznati mora še nekaj drugih trikov a žičenje je osnova. Na pomoč pri prvem žičenju sem poklical še Rolanda:
February 2012 - first two branches wired. 100 more to go :-)
After hours of cuting and wiring the base of new bonsai was born. We tryed to form a classical chokkan, because the trunk doesn't have a lot of movement, but has a really nice nebari and nice tappering.
Po urah rezanja in žičenja je bila osnova novega bonsaja rojena. Poskušala sva oblikovati klasičen čokan, saj deblo nima veliko gibanja, ima pa res lep nebari in dobro ožanje.
February 2012 - after first styling
After close inspection and deep analysis, I decided to cut first left branch. And this was the result after first styling:
Po daljši analizi sem se odločil, da odrežem prvo levo vejo. To je rezultat po prvem oblikovanju:
February 2012 - after the first right branch was cut off
Spruce reacted really well, and in June, when the tips hardened off I already re-wired the tree again.
Smreka je lepo reagirala in Junija, ko so vršički otrdeli sem jo že ponovno ožičil.
June 2012 - Spruce started to fill up, after re-wiring
After one year of resting (this was already 5 years in the same pot after collecting) I repoted the spruce in the first bonsai-pot. Is still to big, but the root-ball was realy big and I couldnt reduce it more. I also decided to pot it leaning slighty to right; nebari is really powerful in this position and the tree is also more dinamic.
Po letu dni počitka (to je bilo že peto leto v isti posodi po izkopu) sem smreko presadil v prvo bonsajsko posodo. Je prevelika, toda koreninska bala je bila res velika in nisem je mogel bolj zreducirati. Odločil sem se tudi, da jo posadim nagnjeno nekoliko v desno; nebari je v tem položaju res močen in drevo je bolj dinamično.
May 2013- in first bonsai-pot
After re-poting spruce exploded with tousand of new buds, in two months the tree completely outgrows the basic line:
Po presaditvi je smreka eksplodirala s tisoči novih brstov, v dveh mesecih je povsem prerasla osnovno linijo:
June 2013 - thousand of new buds!
Carefuly I did a selection of buds and also did a fine-wiring of new growth. The result was already great:

Pazljivo sem opravil selekcijo brstov in natančno ožičil novo rast. Rezultat je bil odličen:

June 2013 - After wiring, white background

June 2013 - after wiring, black background
Also this spring spruce has a thousand of new buds, which were pinched, and then in June I did a new selection of buds, cut some old branches and completely re-wired the tree.
Tudi to pomlad je imela smreka na tisoče novih brstov, najprej sem jo zvršičkal, potem pa junija napravil selekcijo brstov, porezal nekaj starih vej in popolnoma na novo ožičil celo drevo.

June 2014 - again a lot of new growth
After a long and precise work the result was great. The crown is already mature and the tree has I quiet, majestic feeling. If It would be potted in better pot It would be already ready for exhibition.
Po dolgem in natančnem delu je bil rezultat odličen. Krošnja je že zrela in drevo daje tih, mogočen vtis. Če bi bila posajena v boljšo posodo bi bila že pripravljena na razstavo.
June 2014 - after wiring, white background

June 2014 - after wiring, black background

Nevertheless, one year more of maturing will not do a harm to the tree :-) So, the summary: It is important to prepare the tree long enough in training pot before the first styling. The spruce need a constant work and at least two wiring per year (february, june). If one not want to end with green mass only at the tips, the constant selection of buds is needed. The best time for that is June, after the new growth harden off. And, of course, dont't forget to spray the crown and your fingers during the work! :-)
Kakorkoli, eno leto zorenja več ji ne bo škodilo :-) Povzetek: Pomembno je drevo na prvo oblikovanje dovolj dolgo pripravljati v trening posodi. Smreka potrebuje nenehno delo in vsaj dve žičenji na leto (februar, junij). Če nočete končati z kupčkom iglic samo na koncu vej, potem je potrebna nenehna selekcija brstov. Najboljši čas za to je junij, potem ko otrdijo vršički. In, seveda, ne pozabite ves čas med delom pršiti krošnje in svojih prstov! :-)

June 2014 - In garden, maturing for another year ...

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