petek, 30. januar 2015


I am writing about this tree, Carpinus betulus, because this is somehow interesting story. Sašo is an educated gardener; now he decided to start to study also bonsai. In April last year he came to the TORA international bonsai school and since then he is one of my most diligent students! :-) Carpinus betulus from this story is the first tree he worked on. It is a big tree and in April when Sašo came to the studio it already has opened first leaves. We cut some branches and set the plan for future work.
O tem gabru (CArpinus betulus) pišem zato, ker je zgodba zanimiva. Sašo je izučen vrtnar, zdaj pa se je odločil, da bo nekaj časa namenil tudi študiju bonsaja. Aprila lani je prišel v Toro in od takrat naprej je eden bolj pridnih študentov! :-) Carpinus betulus iz te zgodbe je prvo drevo, na katerem je delal. Gre za veliko drevo in aprila, ko je Sašo prišel v atelje, je že pognalo prve liste. Obrezala sva ga in napravila načrt za nadaljne delo.


Carpinus betulus, after first intervention, April 2014

Now, one growing season lather, it was time to do a step forward. We did further selection of branches and wired them all. The silhouette started to emerge. Tree has a really good nebari and the future for this tree is bright. Next step will follow in spring, when Carpinus will be re-potted in to first bonsai pot. Then the process of ramification will start!
Zdaj, eno rastno sezono kasneje, je prišel čas za naslednji korak. Napravili smo dodatno selekcijo vej in jih potem vse ožičili. Prvi obrisi bodočega bonsaja so tu. Drevo ima zelo dober nebari in njegova prihodnost je svetla. Naslednji korak bo sledil spomladi, ko bo drevo presajeno v prvo bonsajsko posodo. Potem pa se bo začel proces ramifikacije!
After one growing season, January 2015


Carpinus betulus, after second step, January 2015


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