sreda, 21. januar 2015


"How many of your trees died since we work together," I asked members of Primorska group, the branch of TORA international bonsai school. I was glad to hear that none of the trees we worked on at workshops in last three years didn't die. That means that we work at right pace, step by step and slowly building the right structure of future bonsai. Here are some examples of trees we worked on in last three seasons of school:
"Koliko dreves vam je že propadlo od kar delamo skupaj?" je bilo vprašanje članom Primorske skupine šole TORA. Vesel sem bil, ko sem slišal, da niti eno drevo, na katerih smo delali v šoli doslej ni umrlo. To pomeni, da delamo s pravim tempom, korak za korakom počasi gradimo strukturo bodočega bonsaja. Spodaj je nekaj primerov dreves iz zadnjih treh sezon šole:
Ulmus minor is one of the best broadleaved species for bonsai, but it is really hard to find a good material. In spring 2013 Gregor brought this straight pole to the workshop; if this wouldn't be an Ulmus we'd never tried to turn it in to decent bonsai. But with this species we did. So first we selected the branches and then process of development of right structure started.
Poljski brest (Ulmus minor) je ena najboljših vrst za vzgojo v bonsaj, a dober materijal je res težko najti. Spomladi 2013 je Gregor na delavnico prinesel raven kol; če ne bi šlo za brest se najbrž niti ne bi trudili s preobrazbo v vsaj približno dober bonsaj. Toda s to vrsto se splača poskusiti. Najprej smo napravili selekcijo vej in potem se je začel proces razvoja strukture.
2013-3. - starting material
2014-1. - after one growing season
2015-1. - after two growing seasons

After just two growing seasons the result is great. Still a long way to go though, but the bonsai starting to emerge from bad material. The ramification is getting better and better. First branch needs some corrections to get rid of that ugly bow, fishing stick, but the other things are on the right way.
Po samo dveh rastnih sezonah je rezultat dober. Še vedno mu veliko manjka, toda iz slabega materijala se je začel kazati bonsaj. Prva veja potrebuje nekaj popravkov, treba se bo znebiti grdega loka, ribiške palice, toda ostale stvari se razvijajo tako, kot je treba.
Also the next example, Prunus mahaleb, belongs to Gregor. Also not a first class material, but with all dead-wood interesting enough to worth trying. So we made a plan, and after two growing seasons the tree is on good way.
Tudi naslednji primer, rešelika, je Gregorjeva. Ne gre za prvovrstni materijal, toda z vsem suhim lesom je vseeno vredna truda. Naredili smo načrt in po dveh sezonah je drevo na dobri poti.
2013-3. - starting material
Study of the possible design

After first styling

2015-1. - after two growing seasons
Now the tree needs a right pot, I am thinking about round one, and some modifications on branches. But nevertheless good work!
Drevo zdaj potrebuje pravo posodo, jaz bi jo posadil v okroglo, in nekaj popravkov v vejah. Vseeno pa gre za dobro delo! 
Virtual with the pot
And last but not least another Prunus mahaleb to show our approach in the school. This material was collected by Sami and has a really great potential. At first intervention we just cut all the unneeded branches and set the main line. That's it! Just look at the first branch! It was hidden, but now is clearly visible. What a character!
In nenazadnje še ena rešelika za ilustracijo našega pristopa v šoli. Materijal je izkopal Sami in ima res velik potencial. Pri prvem posegu smo zgolj porezali odvečne veje in določili glavno linijo. In to je to! Poglejto prvo vejo! Prej skrita je zdaj jasno vidna. Kakšen karakter!
2015-1. - material
After first intervention
The next step will be wiring of the main branches and then the building of the crown will start!
Naslednji korak bo žičenje glavnih vej in potem se bomo lotili gradnje krošnje!

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