sobota, 23. maj 2015


The vision, the visualization of ultimate goal is very important in bonsai. Many times one must have a lot of imagination to see what can be done from particular material. First there is just a line and often nothing else. With time one can build the crown around this line and with more time everything can mature and create a pleasant sight: bonsai. This is a story about two junipers: both still developing, both urban yamadoris. Lets talk first about Juniperus pfitzeriana from Tomažž R's collection.
Vizija, vizualizacija končnega cilja je pri bonsaju zelo pomembna. Velikokrat človek potrebuje močno domišljijo, da si predstavlja, kaj se iz določenega materijal da napraviti. Najprej je tu zgolj linija in ničesar drugega. S časom se da okrog linije zgraditi krošnjo in s še več časa vse skupaj dozori in je celo lepo na pogled: bonsaj. To je zgodba o dveh brinih: oba sta še v razvoju, oba urbana jamadorija. Najprej se posvetimo brinu vrste pfitzeriana iz zbirke Tomaža R.
I met this tree for the first time in 2011 when we did some work on it, but mostly we concentrated on choosing the right line.
To drevo sem prvič srečal leta 2011, ko smo na njem napravili nekaj dela, toda največ časa smo posvetili izboru prave linije.
Juniperus pfitzeriana, 2011
After three years tree came in TORA atelier for styling. The top was very weak, so I decided to go only with bottom branch and also to turn the tree around and not use the planned front.
Po treh letih je drevo prišlo v TORA atelje na oblikovanje. Vrh je bil zelo šibak, zato sem se odločil le za spodnjo vejo, drevo sem obrnil in za prednjo stran nisem uporabil prvotno planirane.

Juiperus pfitzeriana, spring 2014

Juniperus pfitzeriana, after styling, spring 2014
After one growing season Juniper was re-potted right in to bonsai pot from Certre bonsai. The pot suits it well and may be even the final one.
Po eni rastni sezoni je bil presajen neposredno v bonsajsko posodo iz Certre bonsai. Posoda mu pristoji in bo mogoče celo končna.
Juniperus pfitzeriana in first bonsai-pot, spring 2015
Tree reacted nice and just after three months it was ready for second wiring and some additional work on dead-wood. The wiring was done by Gašper, apprentice of TORA international bonsai school. He did a great job and he pushed the Juniper a step further. Now the tree is ready to be returned to the owner. I hope he'll take good care of it and it will return to atelier for refinement in good condition.
Drevo je dobro reagiralo in samo tri mesece kasneje je bilo pripravljeno na drugo žičenje in nekaj dodatnega dela na suhem lesu. Žičenje je opravil Gašper, študent šole TORA. Napravil je odlično delo in brin je napravil še korak naprej. Zdaj je brin pripravljen, da ga vrnemo njegovemu lastniku. Upam, da bo zanj dobro poskrbljeno in da se bo na naslednje žičenje v atelje vrnil v dobri formi.

Gašper adjusting the tree for final photo-shooting

Juniperus pfitzeriana after second wiring, May 2015

The second tree is Juniper virginiana, from my collection. Collected by Tomaž R it found it's way in to my garden in 2012. In the winter of the same year I created interesting line and put tree to rest.
Drugo drevo je brin vrste virginiana iz moje zbirke. Izkopal ga je Tomaž R, v moj vrt je prišel leta 2012. Zimo istega leta sem oblikoval zanimivo linijo in drevo pustil počivati.
Juniperus virginiana, January 2013, ready for bending
The interesting line is created
In January 2014 it was styled for the first time, and put to rest once again.
Januarja 2014 je bil prvič oblikovan in spet sem ga potem pustil počivati.
Juniperus virginiana, ready for first wiring, January 2014

After first styling, January 2014

It reacted extremely well, so in October 2014 It was wired for the second time with help of Gašper.
Reagiral je zelo dobro, tako da je bil oktobra 2014 drugič ožičen, tokrat s pomočjo Gašperja.
Juniperus virginiana, rady for second wiring, October 2014

Gašper working

 Juniperus virginiana, after second wiring, October 2014

The crown was suddenly too big, but I let it on the tree knowing that I'll re-pot the tree in spring. This spring the tree was re-potted in to first bonsai pot, which is not good one and will be changed next year. Now, three months after re-potting it was time to reduce the crown. Tree is now approaching the desired silhouette, but still need a lot of work. In Autumn it will be wired in detail again.
Krošnja je bila nenadoma prevelika, toda z mislijo na spomladansko presaditev, sem jo pustil na drevesu. To pomlad je bilo drevo presajeno v prvo bonsajsko posodo, ki ni dobra in bo naslednje leto zamenjana. Zdaj, tri mesece po presajanju, je bil čas za manjšanje krošnje. Drevo se zdaj približuje zamišljeni obliki, vendar še potrebuje veliko dela. Jeseni bo ponovno podrobno ožičen.

Juniperus virginiana in first bonsai pot, May 2015

Juniperus virginiana after the cut of right branch

Juniperus virginiana, May 2015

Bonsai is constantly changing and needs constant work - but with clear vision!
Bonsaj se nenehno spreminja in potrebuje nenehno delo - seveda z jasno vizijo!

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