petek, 28. avgust 2015


When Tomaž R. came across this juniper he immediately knows that he wants a tree in the cascade style. He brings it in to TORA atelier and the work started. We cleaned it and cut all unnecessary branches. Then we stopped. This was done in December 2014.

Ko je Tomaž R. našel tale brin, je takoj vedel, da hoče drevo v kaskadnem slogu. Prinesel ga je v TORA atelje in delo se je začelo. Očistili smo ga in porezali vse odvečne veje. To je bilo za prvi poseg vse; opravili smo ga decembra lani. 

Material as it arrived to atelier, December 2014

Juniper after cleaning, December 2014

After 8 months of good care the tree was prepared for first serious step. We, together with TORA apprentice Gašper, analyzed the tree and started working. As always Gašper did a major work with wiring and he also tried to style the tree. 

Po osmih mesecih dobre oskrbe je bilo drevo pripravljeno na prvi resni korak. Skupaj s študentom TORE Gašperjem, sva analizirala drevo in začela z delom. Gašper je kot vedno opravil dobro delo z žičenjem in tudi oblikovanjem drevesa.

I did just a minor adjustment and the first step is done: great tree in cascade style with a great future. This is only first styling, there is still a lot work to do, but we'll deal with this in the future. Now the tree must rest. If the juniper will react well, then we'll continue with the next step in spring next year.

Opravil sem le manjše popravke in prvi korak je končan: odlično drevo v kaskadnem slogu z obetajočo prihodnostjo. To je šele prvo oblikovanje., na drevesu je še veliko dela, toda s tem se bomo ukvarjali v prihodnje. Zdaj mora drevo počivati. Če bo brin reagiral dobro, bomo z naslednjim korakom nadaljevali spomladi prihodnje leto. 

Juniper after first styling, August 2015

White background

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