petek, 25. september 2015


TORA international bonsai school is back in business :-) After a short break due to a trip to China the normal schedule is back in order. Peter, one of my students, bring his nice little spruce to the atelier. Spruce has nice tapering and movement, It is strong and is ready to work on.
Mednarodna bonsajska šola TORA je spet operativna :-) Po krajšem premoru zaradi potovanja na Kitajsko je spet v veljavi običajen urnik. Peter, eden naših od študentov, je v atelje prinesel krasno majhno smreko. Smreka ima lepo ožanje in gibanje, je močna in pripravljena za delo.
Picea abies, before first styling
After analysis, we came up with two possible solutions: one is upright and the other is half-cascade tree. We made a quick sketch:
Po analizi sva imela dve možni rešitvi: prva je pokončno in druga pol kaskadno drevo. Na hitro sva skicirala možni rešitvi:
Two possible solutions
Because we want that the natural shari at the first curve became a focal point of this tree, we decided to go with a half-cascade solution, even though is a little harder to achieve and will need more time to mature. It brings more character out of the material than an upright one.
Ker sva hotela, da naraven šari v prvi krivini postane osrednja točka tega drevesa, sva se odločila za pol kaskado; pa čeprav jo bo težje izvesti in bo potrebovala več časa za zorenje. Ampak iz materijala izvleče več karakterja, koz pokončna.
This will be the focal point of the future bonsai
So we started to work. First, we bring the future top closer to the main trunk, then Peter start to clean and wire the tree.
Zagnala sva se v delo. Najprej sva bodoči vrh pripeljala bližje glavnemu deblu, potem je Peter začel čistiti in žičiti drevo.
Peter adjusting last details
This is the final result after first styling. This will be a fine chuhin-size han-kengai! Can't wait to see how it will develop! 
To je rezultat po prvem oblikovanju. To bo odlična pol kaskada (han-kengai) čuhin velikosti! Se že veselim njenega razvoja!
Picea abies after first styling

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