sreda, 30. december 2015


Carpinus orientalis is one of three Slovenian native hornbeam species and at the same time also the best one for bonsai. Small leaves and tiny shoots are perfect. This one was collected by Matej and later came to my collection. It has nice nebari and tapering and a lot of branches to choose from. The main fault is die-back area at the back of the tree's trunk. I'll deal with that in future development of the tree.
Kraški gaber (Carpinus orientalis) je ena od treh vrst gabra, ki raste na naših tleh, in hkrati najboljša za bonsaj. Majhni listi in drobni poganjki so idealni. Tega je izkopal Matej in je kasneje prišel v mojo zbirko. Ima dober nebari in ožanje in veliko vej, med katerimi se da izbirat. Največja pomanjkljivost je mrtvo območje na zadnjem delu debla, ampak s tem se bom ukvarjal v bodočnosti.
Carpinus orientalis before first styling, December 2015
At first photo you can see, how vigorous the tree is: it can grow up to one meter long shoots and the development of ramification is extremely quick. I made a selection of the branches and wired them all. At this stage of development is very important to pay attention to the structure of the branches: they must have tapering like trunk - from thick start at the base to thin ends.
Na prvi fotografiji je lepo videti, kako močno je drevo. Lahko požene tudi meter dolge poganjke in zato je razvoj razvejanosti zelo hiter. Napravil sem selekcijo vej in jih vse  ožičil. V tej fazi razvoja je zelo pomembno paziti na strukturo vej: podobno kot deblo morajo imeti ožanje, od debele baze do drobnih vejic na koncu.
Carpinus orientalis after first styling, December 2015
Tapering of branches is very important and difficult to achieve
In next season I'll try to improve nebari with some shoots and work on ramification; hornbeam will continue to grow in the same pot for one season more, I am planning to re-pot it into the first bonsai-pot in spring 2017.
Naslednjo sezono bom z nekaj poganjki skušal še izboljšati nebari in delal na razvejanosti. Gaber bo še eno sezono rasel v tej posodi, v prvo bonsajsko posodo ga nameravam presaditi spomladi 2017.
Carpinus orientalis before first styling (black background)

Carpinus orientalis after first styling (black background)

1 komentar:

Anonimni pravi ...

Kako se lahko s poganjki, kot praviš, izboljša nebari?
